Introduction to Adversarial Attacks

vijay Anandan
5 min readJul 12, 2022


Adversarial attacks are clever ways of fooling machine learning algorithms. They have been around since the early days of computer science and have recently become more sophisticated as we’ve seen an increase in the use of machine learning algorithms. There are several types of adversarial attacks, which this article will cover in detail.

Adversarial attacks in machine learning

Adversarial attacks are a type of attack that is used to fool machine learning models. They are not a new type of attack, but they have become more popular in recent years.

Adversarial attacks can be broken down into two categories:

  • Randomization: The method that gives the attacker unfair access to data or features using noise or randomness in the process, which makes it difficult for the model to distinguish between true and false inputs (elements). This leads us back into Section 2 on adversarial examples where we talked about how these types of examples were generated by doing something like flipping coins over and over again until you get lucky enough times where all 3 heads show up at once!
  • Denial-of-service (DoS): In this situation, an adversary will flood your system with traffic so much that it gets overloaded causing errors within your system due to a lack of resources needed for proper functioning; this could include memory exhaustion due to processes being unable to keep up with processing requests quickly enough leading them being unable to perform their intended duties properly due lack adequate RAM available within those systems).

Adversarial Attacks are a type of security attack that involves an adversary trying to fool a machine learning model.

Adversarial Attacks have been around for decades, but they’re still one of the most effective ways to fool a computer. They’re also incredibly hard to defend against because there’s no easy way to tell whether an attacker is actually trying to fool your system or if they just want access for their own malicious purposes. This makes Adversarial Attacks extremely dangerous and difficult for systems relying on them (like autonomous cars) because if someone could hack into them then it would be very hard for anyone else from outside who wasn’t part of what was going on inside any given system (for example hackers).

Gradient-based methods

Gradient-based methods are designed to learn the parameters of a model in a way that minimizes the difference between the true and predicted labels. This can be done by minimizing an objective function with respect to both cost (the error between what was predicted and what was actually observed) and bias (how much impact adversarial examples have on your predictions).

Gradient-based methods are more robust to adversarial examples compared to randomized gradient-free approaches since they don’t rely on randomly-generated samples from data. However, they also require more training data than other approaches like RBM or SVM+.

Randomized gradient-free methods

Randomized gradient-free methods are a class of algorithms that use a randomization strategy to generate adversarial examples. They’re more powerful than gradient-based methods but less efficient.

Black-box adversarial attacks

Black-box adversarial attacks are the most effective way to attack a system. They’re also one of the hardest things to defend against, because they require no knowledge of how your system works or what its vulnerabilities might be.

An example of a black-box attack would be: “I know your password is 123456 and I have access to all your email accounts.” You can’t tell if this person has been able to steal other passwords from your account or not because you don’t know what other accounts he accessed when he got into yours (if any).

Some of the most well-known adversarial attacks are those that target Computer Vision models

An adversarial attack is an attack on a machine learning model that seeks to fool the system. The goal of an adversarial attack is to cause the training data for your ML model to be wrong, thus causing it to make bad predictions about the real world.

Adversarial attacks are a type of side-channel attack, where information from outside sources can be used against your system and cause it to learn incorrectly. For example, if you have access to someone else’s computer or camera footage while they’re doing something on their device (like taking pictures), then this will affect how well your ML model learns what its user wants it do in future scenarios where those same conditions exist again — because now there’s extra information available at hand which wasn’t available before!


In this post, we’ve seen how adversarial attacks work, their benefits and drawbacks, and some of the most well-known examples. We also looked at some of the most commonly used methods for defending against adversarial attacks.

